
Nagkesar is a tall tree measuring almost 100 ft. that is predominately found in Sri Lanka, Assam, the Himalayas, and the Western Ghats. Nagkesar is known for its timber, foliage, and fragrant flowers. The national tree of Sri Lanka, it is the dominant species in the oldest man-made forest of ironwood in the country.

  • Latin Name: Mesua ferrea

  • Botanical Name: Mesua ferrea

  • Family: Calophyllaceae

  • Common Name: Nagkesar

  • English Name: Indian Rose Chestnut

  • Part Used: Flowers, Seeds, Bark

Ayurvedic & Medicinal Properties

Rasa (Taste): Astringent (Kashaya), Bitter (Tikta)

Guna (Qualities): Light (Laghu), Dry (Ruksha)

Virya (Potency): Hot (Ushna)

Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effects): Pungent (Katu)
Doshakarma: Alleviates Kapha & Pitta

Health Benefits

skin Health-

Improves complexion, treats acne, and relieves burns.

Respiratory Relief-

Used for asthma, cough, and fever.

Digestive Aid-

Has a therapeutic effect on indigestion, nausea, and ulcers.

Women’s Health-

For menorrhagia and metrorrhagia (excessive bleeding during menstruation).

Blood Disorders-

r bleeding piles.

Scientific Research & Chemical Composition

Contains Mesuol, Mesuaxanthone, and Mammeisin – powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

Seed oil has antimicrobial and anthelmintic properties.

Studies give credence to its capillary-strengthening effects (bleeding disorders).

No estrogenic effects, but acts as a tonic for the uterus.

Traditional & Home Remedies

For Skin Health:

Soothe burns with Nagkesar paste and butter.

For Excessive Sweating:

Nagkesar powder acts as an excellent natural deodorant.

For Sore Throat:

Chew Nagkesar mixed with cardamom and rock candy.

For Joint Pain:

Massage painful joints with Nagkesar seed oil.

For Bleeding Piles:

Take 2G stamen powder mixed with rock candy and butter.